Saturday, June 28, 2008

Love... An eternal paradox.

A good friend and I were talking the other day. Both of us have been a bit confused lately about life and love and everything.

During our conversation, my friend made the statement that love is complicated... I thought about it for a few seconds before I responded.

I believe that love is an eternal paradox. It is sane and insane. It can make us completely happy and utterly miserable in the exact, the exact same instant. It makes us do and say things that make sense at the time...

But most of all it is complicated. That said, it is the simplest thing you will ever do or feel.

I highly recommend it, whatever form it takes. Love ya'!

1 comment:

Sandra and Brent said...

That's pretty deep. I wish it were easier but the best things in life are those that don't come easy.