Friday, July 18, 2008

Life is kinda' funny...

Again and again, I find that new experiences come my way. Most of them are things I never thought likely.

I keep finding myself in places that my past self would have never let himself wind up. That he thought he would always be an outsider looking in on these kinds of situations. Oddly enough I find myself planning for things I swore I would never do!!! Mind you, I am not complaining. I am just hoping that I can grow to meet each new challenge.

Life sure is funny.


Sandra and Brent said...

What are these things you talk of?

Renee and Jake said...

So what re you planning for that you never thought you would do. I am a bit nosey.

Janell said...

It is funny how life works :)

Good luck with the thing you speak so vaguely of!